
I’m Melissa! As a Trauma Recovery & Certified Mastery Coach I guide you to realign with your mind, body and spirit so that you can shift out of living in survival mode and feel more aligned with who you are and who you are truly meant to be. To live a life that you love.

Are you in a cycle of being stuck?

Here are a few common symptoms of feeling stuck

Anxiety & Depression: Unaddressed trauma can lead survivors to feel hopeless and disconnected, often contributing to conditions like depression, anxiety, addiction, and self-harm tendencies.

Relationship Difficulties: Do you have trust issues, fear of abandonment, low self-worth, hyper vigilance, emotional regulation challenges, social isolation, repeated unhealthy patterns, avoidance of intimacy, and difficulty setting boundaries. Trauma Recovery and Life Coach is often crucial for addressing and managing these challenges.

Severe Inner Critic or Negative Self View: Do you struggle with a harsh inner critic and a negative self-image? Feelings of shame, guilt, self-loathing, or unworthiness may be masked by perfectionism or people-pleasing behaviors.

Hyper vigilance is a heightened state of alertness and sensitivity to potential threats, often associated with conditions like anxiety or PTSD. It involves an exaggerated perception of risks, constant scanning of the environment, and quick reactions to perceived dangers. This state of arousal, while adaptive in certain situations, can lead to exhaustion when chronic.

Disassociation or depersonalization? Lack of childhood memories or feeling detached from yourself and the world? Obsessive worry and catastrophizing could also signal disassociation.

Emotional Regulation: Do you have difficulty with Emotional dysregulation this refers to difficulties in managing and modulating one’s emotions effectively. Individuals experiencing emotional regulation may have challenges in responding to emotional stimuli in a balanced and adaptive way.

Book A Discovery Call

In this 15 minute zoom call that Aligned coaching operates in a client-led, support model of care. We recognize the client as a valuable member of their own discovery team.

Attend Your Session

I will help you uncover the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Then I will help you come up with an Aligned Strategy to get there… Efficiently & Lovingly

Start Aligning

By defining your own Aligned goals, you have the opportunity to identify what you’d like to work toward during the coaching program.

Hi there, I’m Meli!

As a survivor of childhood trauma and complex PTSD, I know first hand the harmful impact complex trauma can have on our mind, body and spirit; in how we see ourselves and how we connect with others. Now, as a Certified Trauma and Mastery Coach I’m dedicated to walking alongside my clients to help them navigate the often isolating path to healing and remind them that they are never alone.

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